Stichting Children of Heroes of Ukraine


on providing charitable donation

Version dated: May 8th, 2023

This public offer (the “Public Offer”) is addressed to the unidentified number of individuals (the “Benefactor(s)”) – the visitors of the website of (the “Website”), who seek to make a charitable donation through the Website. This Public Offer is an official and public offer of Stichting Children of Heroes of Ukraine (“Beneficiary”) to conclude a Charitable Donation Agreement (the “Agreement”) on the terms stipulated below.

This Public Offer is the indispensable part of the Terms of Use published on the Website. By making a charitable donation through the functionality available on the Website, the Benefactor fully accepts the terms of this Public Offer, Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy. The moment of acceptance of the Public Offer is the date of acceptance by the User via the Website donation page and the relevant funds transfer.
The Beneficiary reserves the right to make amendments to this Public Offer. Information on such amendments will be published on the Website and the email notification will be send to the User.

Subject matter of the Agreement

The subject matter of this Agreement is a free of charge and voluntary transfer of funds made by the Benefactor into the ownership of the Beneficiary in order to achieve the purposes stipulated by this Agreement. The Benefactor defines the amount of funds to be transferred hereunder at his/her own discretion.

The sphere of charitable assistance is:

Type of charitable assistance is the free transfer of funds to the Beneficiary. The Benefactor hereunder shall be the benefactor, and the Beneficiary shall be the beneficiary in the meaning of the Dutch legislation.

The funds, transferred as a charitable donation hereunder must be used at the discretion of the Beneficiary according to the statutory goals and objectives of the Beneficiary and the purposes indicated in this Public Offer.

In case if the funds are transferred by the Benefactor within a separate personalized collection of funds (charitable donations) for a particular child on the Website of the Beneficiary, the Benefactor agrees that 30% of the collected funds will be transferred to directly for this particular child (after deduction of any fees and commissions, the Beneficiary may incur when transferring funds to their own bank accounts), while the Beneficiary may use the remaining part at its sole discretion in accordance with its statutory goals (including for the long-term assistance for the respective child, for the assistance of other families and children of whom the Beneficiary takes care within its statutory activities, for the management and administrative expenses of the Beneficiary). The Benefactor acknowledges and agrees that the ways of use of funds (charitable donations) received by the child or their family are independently determined by the parents (guardians).

The Parties have agreed hereunder to consider the following as misuse of funds obtained by the Beneficiary as a charitable donation: use of the funds for purposes other than those provided by this Agreement and the Deed of incorporation of the Beneficiary. Herewith, the use of funds for administrative expenses of the Beneficiary in the amount defined by the Dutch legislation shall not be considered a misuse.

The Parties also declare and confirm that the charitable donation under this Agreement shall be transferred in accordance with the following principles / constraints:

the purpose of the charitable donation is not to induce or reward the Beneficiary or third parties for any illegal actions or evasion of legal obligations in the interests of the Benefactor and/or third parties;

a charitable donation is not provided to induce or be in exchange for past or anticipated provision of the products of Benefactor or its affiliates, or to provide any other sales-related benefits to the Benefactor or its affiliates;

a charitable donation is not promotional in nature, shall not be perceived as having a promotional bearing, and shall be independent of contributions or control by the Benefactor or its affiliates.

The Benefactor does not expect, estimate or receive any benefit or return from the donation under this Agreement.

In providing assistance and in carrying out its activities, the Beneficiary is guided by the Deed of incorporation and internal rules for the use of the charitable donations received. In view of this, the person who requested assistance, and the Benefactor cannot in any way influence the decision-making of the Beneficiary if such decisions are made in accordance with law and Deed of incorporation of the Beneficiary. The Beneficiary shall not be liable for meeting the expectations of the Benefactor as to the concrete actions of the Beneficiary as to the distribution of the charitable donations

Charitable donation procedure

The Benefactor makes the charitable donation through the functionality available on the Website, namely through the functionality of the payments system that is embedded in the Website, PayPal, and via direct bank transfer.

Before choosing the payment method, the Benefactor must enter his/her data, which the Beneficiary will process in accordance with the Privacy Policy. The Beneficiary does not set any additional fees or commissions for the transfer of funds. The Beneficiary always uses intermediaries who have the appropriate licenses and permits to provide the relevant financial services and does not carry out any financial activities directly.

The Benefactor understands and agrees that for the performance of the funds transfer, his/her personal data and financial information (for example, number of credit/debit card, the date of its expiration, CVV code) will be transferred for the processing by the bank or other financial institution in accordance with the Privacy Policy. Herewith, the Beneficiary does not receive any such data or information. The bank ensures the confidentiality and non-disclosure of the Benefactor’s financial information, particularly information on transactions, credit/debit card, and provides the privacy and non-disclosure of the Benefactor’s personal data.

The charitable donation shall be considered as transferred to the Beneficiary and as accepted by the latter on the day of receipt of the funds to the Beneficiary’s bank account.

The Benefactor and the Beneficiary shall independently pay for services required for the performance hereof, which are provided by the bank or other financial institution servicing their current accounts.

Rights and obligations of the Parties

By reading the Public Offer, the User agrees and accepts the following:

The Benefactor:

The Benefaciary:

When performing these obligations in accordance with this Agreement, neither Beneficiary, nor any third party acting on behalf of the Beneficiary, did and will do in the future, directly or indirectly, any offer, promise or bribery, rewards, and another kind of bribe payments, or bestowing which are intended to improperly influence Government officials or Representatives of Private companies to use their power (authority), or exercise influence to assist the Benefactor or for the Benefactor benefits associated with the activities of the Benefactor.

For the purposes of this clause, a “Government Official” shall include any employee of foreign governments, other civil servants performing government functions, any officer or employee of a state or local government or any state or local government department, employee or officer of a state institution, agency or government-controlled or owned entity, including a government-controlled or owned health care institution, or of a public international organization, or any person acting in an official capacity for or on behalf of any of the foregoing, or a member of any political party, or a candidate for a political office, or a person directly associated with the Government Official including staff, business partners, close relatives, and other persons similar to the mentioned above by its status under Dutch laws.

For purposes of this clause, a “Representative of a Private Company” shall include officers and employees of private legal entities, except persons directly associated with the Government Official. The Beneficiary shall independently and at his own expense maintain tax and accounting records that accurately and clearly reflect the implemented operations/transactions relating to the Beneficiary’s performance of the obligations hereunder, including, but not limited to, records of payments made or received by the Beneficiary, costs incurred by the Beneficiary under this Agreement.

Settlement of disputes

All disputes and discrepancies arising between the Parties under the Agreement are subject to settlement by means of consultations and negotiations. If a certain dispute is impossible to solve by means of negotiations, it shall be settled in court by transferring the dispute to the resolution of the respective court of the Netherlands.

Term and termination. Amendments to the Agreement

This Agreement shall become effective upon the Beneficiary’s acceptance of the charitable donation and shall remain in force until both Parties’ obligations are fulfilled.

Final provisions

This Agreement is regulated and interpreted in accordance with the substantive laws of the Netherlands. In cases not provided for hereby, the Parties shall be governed by the current laws of the Netherlands.

Details of the Beneficiary:

Stichting Children of Heroes of Ukraine
Address: Sonmansstraat 68 A 01 te Rotterdam, the Netherlands
Chamber of commerce number: 90057724
Fiscal number (RSIN): 865197519