Mental Health Support for Ukraine’s Children

Providing psychological care for children who lost their parents to war

Why do these children need psychological support?

Why do these
children need psychological

Losing a loved one is a deeply traumatic and unpredictable experience, especially for a child. Often, children cannot fully comprehend what has happened, which leads to feelings of withdrawal, fear, or even aggression. The war continues, and constant air raids and shelling only intensify these challenges. Tragically, even the adults around them may struggle to offer the necessary support, as they too are coping with their own emotional crises.

11 937
Individual consultations for 2024
Persons supported
€39 000
Monthly financial need
Psychological support course for one child

How we help

Psychological support is one of the core initiatives of the Children of Heroes foundation. Our goal is to help families who have lost loved ones due to war process their trauma, accept their new reality, adapt to their circumstances, and find the strength to move forward.

We’ve assembled a team of 28 certified professionals:

We’ve assembled a team of 28 certified professionals:

Pediatric psychiatrist
Pediatric psychiatrist
Pediatric psychiatrist

Each specialist is trained in trauma work, PTSD, and grief counseling.

Psychological support includes:

Individual therapy sessions

The number of sessions depends on the needs of the child or guardian.

Average cost per session:


Group therapy

Support sessions where participants can share their experiences with others who have similar backgrounds and find mutual understanding.

Average cost per hour:


Psychoeducational lectures and training sessions

Educational events on mental health and coping strategies.

Average cost per one lecture:


Rehabilitation camps

Retreats for children and their guardians where they receive professional psychological care while enjoying time away.

Average cost per person:


Psychological support includes:

How psychological support changes lives for Ukrainian children

Your donation can heal a child’s heart

More than 11 400 children of Heroes and their guardians need psychological support. Your generous donations enable us to continue providing the care they need, helping them heal from the wounds inflicted by war.

Zlata and Varvara

These sisters faced a painful loss when their father went missing near Bakhmut in January 2023. Their mother, Marina, ended up in intensive care due to stress. With help from our psychologists, Marina recovered and now supports her daughters while sewing clothes for soldiers and aiding families of the missing. The girls, bolstered by therapy, are thriving and succeeding in school.

Sasha from Donetsk

After losing her father and being forced to flee her hometown due to shelling, Sasha struggled with isolation and a deep fear for her loved ones. Through sessions with her psychologist, she overcame these challenges. Today, she’s painting, dancing, and dreaming of becoming a police officer. Her biggest hope is to see the war end so she can return home.


After losing his father, Volodymyr experienced bullying at school. With therapy, he gained inner strength and learned to set healthy boundaries. His confidence grew, and he reconnected with his peers. His mother, Halyna, also overcame severe anxiety with psychological support.


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Родина Найдухів

табір «Воловець» у Карпатах

З перших днів повномасштабного вторгнення Юрій пішов добровольцем на фронт. На жаль, чоловік загинув під Бахмутом. Ця трагедія стала справжнім ударом для його дружини Галини та двох донечок — 13-річної Таїсії та 11-річної Іринки. Емоційний стан донечок був вкрай нестабільним: вони закрились в собі.

Від фонду «Діти Героїв» сімʼя Найдухів отримала можливість поїхати до табору «Воловець» у Карпатах. Це табір психоемоційної стабілізації для сімей, що постраждали від війни. З перших днів у таборі розпочались позитивні зміни. Вони ходили в гори, малювали, співали, купалися в чанах. Галина каже, що вона вперше після трагедії добре спала. А дівчата, які категорично відмовлялись йти до психолога, після табору самі висловили бажання розпочати роботу з фахівцем!