Katrusia was born into a happy family. Her dad worked as a long-haul truck driver and every time he returned from his trips, she eagerly awaited him. She loved playing in his truck and dreamt of traveling alongside her father.
However, on February 24th her beloved father never returned from his trip. On that day, he was stopped at the border with Russia and was told by border guards to return home as quickly as possible. The war had begun and all he wanted at that moment was to hurry back home to see his wife and daughter.
However, the journey home proved fatal. Katrusia’s dad got caught in enemy tank shelling in the Sumy Oblast. He died on the very first day of the war.
Katrusia and her mother, Yana, stayed in Ukraine. Yana had to go through one of the most terrifying and difficult experiences of her life — having to somehow bring her beloved husband’s body back from the occupied territory in order to bury him at home, where he belongs. And of course, then came the even more difficult task of breaking the news to Katrusia that her father was no longer with them. Katrusia loved her father deeply and will always cherish his memory.
She is 4 years old now. She adores drawing and dancing. She dreams of learning to drive a car and seeing the world, just like her dad.