Oleksandra is originally from Kharkiv, Ukraine, but due to the war, she was forced to evacuate to a safer city. Near her former home, two sports complexes and a school were destroyed by Russian missiles. Currently, she and her mother live in Oleksandria, a city that is considered safer than their previous location.
The girl’s father was a lawyer, but as soon as the full-scale invasion began, he joined the National Guard and was involved in aerial reconnaissance. Since 2014, he has been volunteering in the Anti-Terrorist Operation (ATO) zone, providing the Ukrainian military with bulletproof vests, boots, night vision devices, and other essential equipment. On June 27, 2022, he and his comrades successfully halted an offensive by Russian troops heading in the direction of the Kharkiv region. Unfortunately, multiple enemy rocket launchers began to fire at Ukrainian soldiers, and Oleksandra’s father was killed in action.
After the war, he dreamt of going on vacation with his family. His last words to his wife were: “Enjoy a delicious cup of coffee, hug our daughter, smile, and live this sunny day with joy. Try to make our daughter even happier.” The woman considers these instructions from her husband as his final wish for their future.
Oleksandra is a ballroom dancer who also has a passion for drawing, learning English, and exploring web design. She is a highly motivated child who constantly strives to develop her skills and reach new heights. Despite the loss of her father, she remains an active and driven young girl. Her family is confident that her father is watching her successes from heaven and would be incredibly proud of her. To them, Oleksandra is the most precious treasure that he left on this earth.