Charity Heroes Run 2025

    heroes runs - new image-compress
    In the photo: participants from different cities of the Heroes Run 2025 charity race

    On February 23, 2025, on the third anniversary of the beginning of the full-scale war, charity runs of Heroes Run 2025 took place in 9 cities around the world, gathering over 400 participants and raising more than 17,000 euros to help Ukrainian children who have lost their parents in the war, through the Children of Heroes foundation.

    The run took place simultaneously in Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Warsaw, Krakow, Porto, Stockholm, Funchal, Miami, and Kyiv, organized by the Ukrainian Running Club in different countries and the Children of Heroes foundation (Children of Heroes Stichting). The goal of the run was to raise funds for a psychological support program for the children of Ukrainian heroes. Each participant ran a 5 or 10 km route and received a finisher’s medal. 100% of the registration fees were donated to the foundation for charity support.

    Participants in the runs included Ukrainians living abroad, local residents: Dutch, Portuguese, Polish, Swedes, Americans, as well as foreigners—expats who support Ukraine and live abroad. Participants ran with Ukrainian flags and symbols, and the run started after the Ukrainian National Anthem, as is customary for every Ukrainian run.

    The event’s partner was Puma Ukraine, which provided gifts to two participants in each city and made a donation of 200,000 UAH to the psychological support project.

    Heroes Run 2025 also served as an opportunity for each participant to remember their personal heroes. Unfortunately, every Ukrainian, after 11 years of war, has close or distant relatives who gave their lives for the freedom and independence of our country. Below are some stories we received:

    “Heroes do not die.” They do indeed die. Today I am still in touch, and in a few days, unfamiliar soldiers knock on my door and offer condolences. The best person is no longer in this world. Words have lost all meaning. All that is left is to wait.”

    “Serhiy Shchokovenko, from the first days of the full-scale invasion, joined the defense of Ukraine as part of the Armed Forces. In the hardest months of the great war, he bravely defended Luhansk region, and later gave his life in the battles for Kherson region. He didn’t live to see the liberation of his hometown, just a month away, but he remains forever in the ranks—in the hearts of those who continue the fight.”

    “My brother—my hero, the father of an unborn child.”

    “All Ukrainian people are heroes!”

    “I run in memory of my childhood friend Ruslan Krynytsky, who fought in the battles near Maryinka in Donetsk region. He died on March 1, 2024.”

    “My cousin was killed in Bakhmut in 2023, and his daughter is an orphan now.”

    The number of children losing their parents due to the war is increasing every day. Every child under the care of the Children of Heroes Charity Fund—more than 12,000 children—along with the adults looking after them, urgently needs professional psychological support.  

    The number of children losing their parents due to the war is increasing every day. Every child under the care of the Children of Heroes Charity Fund—more than 12,000 children—along with the adults looking after them, urgently needs professional psychological support.  

    This includes individual sessions with therapists or psychiatrists, group therapy, and rehabilitation camps to help them heal and rebuild their lives.

    Over the past three years, Children of Heroes has provided nearly $12 million in aid to 12,000 children, including more than 11,500 psychological consultations and dozens of rehabilitation camps. But more is needed: the support for all our wards costs $40,700 per month.You can simply donate via the link  –


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    Родина Найдухів

    табір «Воловець» у Карпатах

    З перших днів повномасштабного вторгнення Юрій пішов добровольцем на фронт. На жаль, чоловік загинув під Бахмутом. Ця трагедія стала справжнім ударом для його дружини Галини та двох донечок — 13-річної Таїсії та 11-річної Іринки. Емоційний стан донечок був вкрай нестабільним: вони закрились в собі.

    Від фонду «Діти Героїв» сімʼя Найдухів отримала можливість поїхати до табору «Воловець» у Карпатах. Це табір психоемоційної стабілізації для сімей, що постраждали від війни. З перших днів у таборі розпочались позитивні зміни. Вони ходили в гори, малювали, співали, купалися в чанах. Галина каже, що вона вперше після трагедії добре спала. А дівчата, які категорично відмовлялись йти до психолога, після табору самі висловили бажання розпочати роботу з фахівцем!